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Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world, which is why having a app to measure blood sugar is an excellent tool for ensuring health.

And as for the diabetes, there are many applications to help with treatment.

In general, these applications deal mainly with virtual blood glucose diary, dietary assistance, or support for physical activity.

For example, they offer functions such as blood sugar level monitoring, logbook of your insulin dose, etc.

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Thanks to these applications and their practical side, the management of diabetes has just become easier.

From now on, there is no more taboo, the people with diabetes can and should live a safe balanced life.

Indeed, the disease is serious, but it can also be controlled and it is possible to live very well, enjoying incredible moments.

For this reason, we have compiled a list ofapp to measure blood sugar which might be useful to you.

1. mySugr

First, we offered themySugr app, which was ranked as the best app for diabetes.

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The app works as a trusty and free diary that tracks diabetes related data.

So the mySugr offers several tools such as carb tracking, Hbz1c estimation, and daily, weekly, and monthly reports that can be shared with the user's doctor.

So, using the app is simple as it has an easy and personalized dashboard.

For example, you can organize your diet, medications, carb intake, blood sugar level, and more with just a few clicks.

Furthermore, the mySugr perform the diabetes measurement, of type 1, of type 2 or gestational, to make your daily life easier.

This app is available for android And Iphone.

2. Glucose Buddy

Then the Glucose Buddy is a app to measure blood sugar And control diabetes which has been on the market for 10 years.

Using this app, the user can track their blood glucose level and check their glucose level changes every hour.

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SO, Glucose Buddy provides guidance on the amount of carbohydrates and calories to consume daily based on height, weight, age and gender.

Also, the app has a food database, which makes logging meals much more efficient.

Finally, the application allows you to follow the evolution of your blood sugar, insulin, blood pressure, A1C etc.

Just download and start taking care of your health, and you can always show your records to the doctor.

This app is available for android And Iphone.

3. Diabetes Connect

Last on our list, theapplication Diabetes Connect is also highly rated by users.

In general, this app to measure blood sugar is intended for people who have type diabetes 1 or of type 2.

The app allows you to log blood sugar levels, meals eaten during the day, insulin and medication injections, and other important information.

Moreover, Diabetes Connect has the function of saving information in a PDF file, which allows you to share all the data with your doctor.

Finally, the results of the measurements can be visualized in the form of very simple and easy to understand graphs.

This app is available for android And Iphone.