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meet the application to see the city by satellite. The use of applications is growing every day in our country, the news appearing all the time.

Thus, Brazilians are discovering a life made easier by apps. If going to the bank is already rare in our lives, there are other ways to use apps.

Whether for pleasure or professionally, applications have arrived to make our lives easier.

Today you will come across an application that can be used in several ways.

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Can be useful at many times, theapplication to see the city through the satellite can help you a lot.

Learn a little more about this app and its benefits.

Discover the applications to see your city by satellite

When we talk about applications, we must understand that every day new applications appear in the application stores.

In this way, we are going to give you some tips on some applications that can be useful for you in your day to day.

Check out the Live Earth Satellite Map app

There is a very useful application for those who want to see the city via satellite, called “Live Earth Satellite Map”.

A very easy name to remember, because it is very intuitive for your search.

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At first, you can have many facilities with it, such as free live ground cameras. Also, you get a 3D view of a street.

Seeing the street with a 3D image makes it much easier to find an address. Especially for people who have a more photographic memory.

Knowing the houses or storefronts can make finding an address easier.

This is an application that has 360 map navigation. In addition to real-time GPS maps.

Plus you can calculate distances with this app, it's a great app.

With over 1 million downloads and user approval with a score of 4.3. It is worth knowing this application to see the city via satellite.

Discover the Google Earth app

Another one application to see your city by satellite is the app Google Earth. With it, you can have real-time access to the satellite and thus see your city through it.

Initially, it is a very successful app among users, with a 4.3 rating and over 100 million downloads.

The application is reliable and provides a good experience to users.

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With it you can search streets in all countries and discover many places without leaving your home.

All quickly, simply and with great quality.

The app Google Earth provides you with 3D images and information about the geography of the location.

It is virtual tourism, cheap and very coherent.

What can this app be useful for?

Above all, you can see places in real time, whether for tourism only, curiosity as well as security.

In addition to knowing the best ways, knowing the safety of travel, you can use the application to "travel".

If in doubt about where to travel, you can use the app to view the city via satellite before choosing.

In the beginning, you will never fall for the location photo scam again. With the application you will have more security.

Download a application to see the city by satellite, Google Earth fulfills the task of introducing you to the world without leaving your home.

Finally, you just need a cell phone and a good internet connection.

Either way, learning about the world has never been easier.

Google Earth