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The app to measure blood sugar is a great tool to help control the diabetes.

THE apps help with diabetes treatment in a very simple and practical way.

For example, these apps allow you to monitor your blood sugar level, to create a logbook of your insulin dose, track your meals and even remind you when you take your anti-diabetic drugs and your insulin.

I'app to measure blood sugar give you the means to record important information about your measures.

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What is blood sugar and diabetes?

There blood sugar, also called sugar levels " Or " glucose level " in the blood.

This sugar is controlled by a hormone produced in the pancreas, namely insulin, which helps to pass the glucose of blood circulation to cells of the organism.

So the diabetes is a disease which alters the transformation of glucose in the cells, due to production or operation problems of theinsulin.

Specifically, a high concentration of glucose in the blood usually indicates a malfunction or lack of this hormone in the organism.

For this reason, it is very important to to watch THE blood sugar level to live a healthier life.

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We therefore teach you some apps to measure blood sugar which will be useful to you.

The app East free and allows you to to watch your blood sugar level with your phone.

On the other hand, with the Freestyle Librelink, you have to use a sensor on the skin to collect data for 10 to 14 days.

After the reading, all the data will be provided, allowing the user to take notes in the app about physical exercises, insulin, diet, etc.

In addition, the application allows you to check the glucose level every 8 hours.

This app is available for android And Iphone.

2. mySugr

The mySugr app is one of the most popular and highest rated by users.

THE mySugr offers several tools such as tracking carbohydrates, Hbz1c estimate and daily, weekly and monthly reports that you can share with your doctor.

Importantly, the application has a simple and personalized dashboard with clear graphics on the blood sugar level.

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Furthermore, the mySugr perform the diabetes measurement, of type 1, of type 2 or gestational, to make your daily life easier.

This app is available for android And Iphone.

3. Diabetes Connect

Afterwards, Diabetes Connect app allows you to record your blood sugar level, meals taken during the day.

Insulin and medication injections, as well as other important information.

You can visualize the data collected in the form of graphs, which facilitates monitoring.

Furthermore, with Diabetes Connect, it is also possible to track your meal in bread units or carbohydrate units.

Moreover, theapplication has the function of saving the information in a PDF file, which allows you to share all the data with your doctor.

Finally, the Diabetes Connect is intended for people who have type diabetes 1 or of type 2.

This app is available for android And Iphone.

Freestyle Librelink android And Iphone.

mySugr android And Iphone.

Diabetes Connect android And Iphone.