Publicity - OTZAds

How to find out the name of the song you listened to, whose name you don't know? Meet app to identify songs.

Recognition can be done by ambient sound, or simply by the sound of your droning voice.

With this application, rediscover music that you loved so much was very easy.

Let's leave tips applications to identify music, below you will find access to the applications, just install them and enjoy them.


Did you know that you can identify a song by its ambient sound, or simply by humming it to your google app?

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To find out what the song is, follow the steps step by step.

First step, open the app Google

In the same search bar, just tap on microphone

With the microphone on, you can hum the song or just be in a room where something is playing.

In this way, Google provides the lyrics, singer and the song related to your search.

Use Google as application to identify music.

 It's very simple and you don't need to download any apps, just tap the right icon.

2.Shazam: recognize songs

The second tip is an application that identifies the most downloaded music, thus eliminating comments.

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Shazam, in seconds, can identify any song, whatever the language or musical style.

It's not magic, it's Shazam, here you can identify the song of your favorite artist.

Without needing to know the words, just hum along.

Additionally, the music recognition app gives you the option to add your own Apple Music playlist.

With the application installed on your cell phone you can choose between Watch the videos on Apple or directly on YouTube.

 Finally, besides thethe application identifies online music.

Using the Contextual Shazam you can identify music in any application.

For example Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and others.

3.Music recognition

A simple way to know what song is playing, as an application musical recognition.

You can also identify a song in seconds.

Additionally, the app provides different tools, for example each identified song is saved in the app history.

You can hear a preview of the song to make sure it matches your search.

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When you tag the song, you can still share it with the whole crowd.

Via Facebook, WhatsApp among other applications.

You can always listen to the full song of the different streaming services like Spotify, Deezer and Youtube.

Finally, the application offers the possibility of accessing the artist biographies and discover the main Artist tracks musical identified.

3.Sound dog

If at any point you have asked this question, “ Hey Google, what is this song? " This application is made for you.

Even if you are at a party, at the mall or at a party.

 you can discover the songs you liked even without knowing the name of the song or the singer.

For the research to begin, it is necessary install the application, After that it becomes simple and very intuitive.

 Just click the orange button and let your cell phone capture the audio.

In no time you will have the music you want to hear.

It's now easy to discover music that makes you sigh, whether at home.

At a restaurant, while humming or even at a party.

This way you listen to the music you love anywhere.

Shazam android/iPhone

Music recognition

Sound dogandroid / iPhone